Master of Arts in History

If you’re pursuing a career in teaching history, or just want to further your intellectual and professional development, the M.A. in History at UNA offers an outstanding program, with an affordable price tag. Classes are taught on our historic campus located in an area rich with Civil Rights landmarks, Civil War battlegrounds, and the Trail of Tears route, or you may take classes online from your location.


Time to Complete:
18-24 months


100% Online or
On-Campus Option


Master of Arts (MA)

Master of Arts Degree in History Curriculum

Core Courses Hours
HI 605 Historiography and Methodology 3
HI 611 Seminar in U.S. History to 1877 3
HI 612 Seminar in U.S. History Since 1877 3
HI 621 Seminar in World History to 1815 3
HI 622 Seminar in World History Since 1815 3
Elective Courses of Study
12 hours from History Electives (500-600) level 12
Research Skill Requirement 1 0-3

What can I do with a Master of Arts Degree in History?

The M.A. in History prepares students to teach at the secondary level and beyond, pursue Ph.D. studies, and attain career or salary advancement or further study in fields of education, law, library science, journalism, seminary training, government, and business.


I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to pursue my Master’s Degree in History through the University of North Alabama. Through a variety of online and night classes I was able to continue working while working towards my goals. The professors were always willing to answer any questions that I had and helped me grow so much as a teacher and historian. I would highly suggest applying at UNA.

Caitlan Daniel, M.A. in History

Admission Requirements

  • Preparation: Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and have at least 24 hours in history, including up to twelve hours below the 300 level or have completed a major and/or minor in history. A departmental Graduate Admissions Committee will approve or deny each application.  All applications and supporting documents must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Admissions of the University in accordance with submission deadlines established by that office.
  • Scholastic Achievement: A minimum of 2.75 GPA on a 4.0 scale in all previous undergraduate and graduate coursework.
  • Three completed recommendation forms.
  • Application Essay: A type written essay of 250-350 words which describes career goals and areas of historical interest for study in the graduate program.
  • Writing Sample: Minimum of four pages, preferably a research or scholarly essay or paper from previous classes. It may also be a sample of professional or creative writing.

The history graduate committee does not conditionally admit an applicant to the M.A. program in History or the M.A. program in Public History without reviewing the applicant’s completed application containing undergraduate transcripts, GRE scores, application essay, writing sample, & letters of recommendation. An applicant with an incomplete application may enroll in two graduate history courses (6 hours) as a non-degree-seeking student. If the applicant is admitted to the M.A. program in History or the M.A. program in Public History, courses taken as a non-degree-seeking student may be included in the student’s Plan of Study.

Transfer Admission

In addition to the general requirements for Transfer Admission to Graduate Studies (See General Regulations and Procedures), up to six semester hours of B or higher grades in graduate work appropriate to the degree program at UNA by transfer may be accepted with the approval of the history graduate committee, department chair, and college dean. Exceptions must be approved by the history graduate committee, department chair, and college dean. The department will accept up to six hours transfer credit previously applied to a degree, pending approval of the history graduate committee.


Prior to completion of their first semester credit in the program, students shall be assigned an academic advisor.

View Master of Arts in History in the Catalog

Tuition and Aid

Online: $495 per credit hour plus fees

Our New Start Scholarship is available to new students enrolled in any online degree program, offering a complimentary first course fee. Plus, for a limited time, no application fee is required. Learn more about scholarship opportuinites here...


2023-2024 Tuition

Master of Arts in History

Online: $495 per credit hour plus fees for 33-36 hours.

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